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How to enquire about a support request

Asking about existing requests

Users can enquire about any pre-existing support request , from the Rapid chatbot.

The chatbot will respond with the status of the request.

To enquire about a support request, please follow these easy steps:

  1. In Explorer, click the chatbot icon.

Image showing how to access chatbot in Explorer

  1. The chatbot assistant panel will open. Click on Support.

Image showing Support Chatbot panel

  1. In the "Ask a question" field, type in your query regarding the support request.

Image showing how to query the chatbot for support tickets

  1. Click submit.

The chatbot should respond with an appropriate answer.


The Rapid chatbot is limited to Four responses, after which you will need to refresh the chat.

below are a couple of examples of how you can query the bot about your queries.

A picture showing the support bots response when queried about existing support tickets

A picture showing an example of querying the chatbot about support tickets

Chatbot Disclaimer


The support chatbot is powered by a large language model AI, and as such it can at times report false information. This bot is not intended to serve true up to date information, it should only be used as a means to get to real information found in our documentation, or for very basic queries about support tickets.

This bot cannot and will never create, edit or delete any data.

Support tickets are created through a form on the support bot page, the bot itself cannot change data.

The AI chatbot will hallucinate and lie about completing actions. Below we can see the chatbot lies about closing a ticket. It can access up to date information about ticket statuses, but can never change them.

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